Monday, April 2, 2012

Exposing Fraud, Abuse and Unethical behavior in America

Its takes a HERO to stand alone, to go somewhere when you know danger can lie ahead. Taking a stand today for what is right can cost you your home, finances, health and future. Not just anyone takes the time to EXPOSE, report and do the right thing. When I first came across Crystal L. Cox I felt compelled to speak out and support her efforts. She was doing something not many people do. She was going up against unethical, immoral and dishonest people who are using our court system to hide their crimes and abuse. I'm in a similar situation where my sister Sylvia Schmidt of San Marino CA perjured a petition to force our mother Gertrude Gettinger into a conservatorship. It gets worse, Sylvia stole over $200,000.00 in bank account funds from our mother and wanted to use conservatorship to stop our mother from reporting the crimes. Once conserved Sylvia could legally force our mother to be injected with heavy psychotic drugs which would make her look mentally ill. She could use the law to have our mother locked away against her will in a dementia home (any not even have dementia).

You would think all you needed to do was appear in court with proof of the perjury and crimes? However our courts are run by judges who don't care about evidence, justice or our seniors. They appear to care about creating legal fees. The dirty little secret, lawyers WANT MONEY and money to them is made from legal fees. If you consider that lawyers demand $250 -$600 an hour for just appearing in court then any court hearing or legal meeting constitutes thousands of dollars. That same court which Sylvia Schmidt lied to, falsified documents, drugged her own mother and locked her away so she could not report Sylvia's own crimes was now working with Sylvia.

What is worse is that court of law was demanding I go to trial, an event that would cost me over $150,000.00 of my live savings. WHY? It gets worse the judge in charge Candace Beason of Pasadena CA did not even read any of my petitions or evidence submitted at the cost of thousands of dollars. In fact Judge Beason refused to allow any investigation of the missing funds and allowed all subpoenas to be blocked. Why go to trial if the judge won't even let you gather all the facts? I have the missing bank account numbers never reported by Sylvia Schmidt to the probate department, I even have cashed checks going into those accounts.

The problem here is the court allowed Sylvia Schmidt to have access of 100% of Gertrude's estimated worth 2 million dollars. This is totally against probate rules and regulations which state the majority of the funds must be in blocked accounts. Yet the court never followed any of the rules.

Sylvia did what many criminals do, she used the money to hire one of the most expensive lawyers in Pasadena CA Philip Barbaro Jr. who was the president of the Pasadena bar. No one complained that Sylvia replaced Christopher Edward Overgaard (the previous unethical lawyer) who perjured the petition to force Gertrude Gettinger into conservatorship at a rate of $250 and hour with Mr. Barbaro at $350 an hour. Sylvia had Gertrude's own millions to spend and risk.

Money buys the court, it buys justice in America, these unethical lawyers and judges don't want YOU OR ME to know their crimes, they don't want their families and friends to know they're con-artists and frauds. They twist the law, LIE and cheat people all in the name of greed and profit.

Crystal L. Cox is in a similar scam where she has proven crimes and unethical behavior, yet a court ignores the facts and crimes. By ignoring the crimes the court actually supports them and makes illegal activity legal.

Its up to every American to take a stand, EXPOSE these people who use our justice system, who abuse our constitutional rights and hide UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR. These judges and lawyers swore to an oath and disregard it.

Please support, expose and help ANYONE who takes a stand, these are the real hero's.


  1. Well stated, Mr. Gettinger. Crystal Cox is a kindred spirit. I too, am going it alone against a plaintiff who has abused the family courts for nearly 2 years, to punish me, and another woman. One of the women he threatened with legal action, was killed in a mysterious 1 car accident, just a few weeks after we had made a "pact", to tell the world about this man, and especially, if something happened to one of us, the others were to get to the bottom of. Now that I'm speaking out on my blog about it, he's suing me for defamation. He and his attorney KNOW that I'm judgement proof, AND, that I can prove pretty much EVERYTHING I've alleged in my blogs. They're just hoping to wear me down,and silence me. I reached out to Crystal Cox, after stumbling across her case, in my pro se research. Crystal answered me within 24 hours. Crystal Cox not only forwarded me dozens of invaluable documents on pro se guidelines, she supported me emotionally, in a way that my closest friends have not been able to accomplish. Crystal Cox single handedly gave me the courage and strength, to go it alone, this time. I defended myself pro se against my Plaintiff in family court, 3 times, and successfully beat him to a pulp, but the rules for circuit civil court are far more complex. I've exchanged many emails with Crystal, and she is, in my estimation, a true hero. Love her, hate her, but no one can deny that her courage and tenacity, are testament to the fact that like me, she believes in her cause. Crystal Cox is doing what her heart and soul are compelling her to do. I hope one day I can repay her for all the kindness and support she's given me. The strong stand alone, but it's comforting to have a helping hand within reach, every now and then.

  2. The system (Legal) is out of control and broken. It's been twisted to work for those who run it "lawyers" and helped along by "judges" who are lawyers. Is there any other industry that is run this way? Imagine if we had criminals in charge of criminals?

    The system is based on money not on justice for all. From parking fees all the way up to anything involved its all based on money.

    The problem then is what happens when you have a judge who is corrupt or dishonest? How do you get them out and how do you get them punished. Its obvious the bar can't do the job and never has done the job. We have to remove the ultimate power and give it to common citizens. There must be a citizens group that is above the judge that can remove the judge, punish them and keep all judges honest. That's the key keeping judges honest.

    I don't think mandatory polygraph testing is wrong, as they've forced laws for drug testing we should DEMAND ethics and honesty from anyone who is judging us.

  3. Richard ---

    Please visit "" (I have an interview of Richard Fine -- post-release - on there near the top). I want to talk with you, and if you submit a comment (ANY comment) on the blog, I will contact you by email and request to talk.

    I have been in a two-decade dangerous situation (California) which involves some personnel from the area you mention above. My mother has now died (and there are some aspects of her medication which remind me of -- what Janet Phelan has blogged on -- in re: probate. See also "victimsoflaw" links at another site ""

    I have information to share, but mostly, right now I'm seriously afraid -- and am dealing with some extortionist crooks, who already destroyed a profession (mine), my daughters' high school years (they were separated and treated unequally after abandonment by their father). I recently made contact with some people who understand the "citizens grand jury" elements, some really good contacts.

    Please communicate. FYI, I'm almost 60, and am determined that what just happened to my own mother -- which I witnessed from afar in horror and couldn't stop, being at the same time struggling with previous chaos the SAME INDIVIDUALS had systematically injected into my life -- is NOT going to happen to me. In the present situation, it's clear that this is exactly the intent. I believe it qualifies as RICO and i'm dog-bone-tired of filing legal actions that go nowhere, for the same reasons. Crooks in Robes.
